
Get your questions on pricing and billing answered here


Invoices are sent each month to the billing contact specified for the account. If you cannot find your invoice, please check your spam folder first. To have an invoice re-sent, or to update your billing contact information please contact [email protected].

We will soon add all your account’s billable activity to your Dashboard.


There are two types of pricing plans:

  • Pay-as-you-go: recommended to launch your project quickly with no contractual minimum spend. Pay for your exact amount of usage of Knot API in a given month. To start a pay-as-you-go plan, contact our Sales team here, so they can set you up.
  • Subscription: commit to a minimum monthly number of transactions to lower your per transaction cost. This option usually starts making sense when you are spending approximately $1,000/month on Knot. To start a subscription plan, contact our Sales team here, so they can set you up.

There is no cost to use our Sandbox and Development environments.

Card on File Switcher pricing model

For our Card on File Switcher, the pricing model is on a per transaction basis. This means, every time one of your users switches their card on file using your integration with Knot API, a fee is charged to your account.

A switch is considered completed if the end user reached the end of the update flow and received a confirmation success screen.

Updating products or pricing

To add or remove products from your Knot account, or to switch between Pay-as-you-go and Subscription pricing plans, please contact [email protected].