
Retrieve available merchants

Call List Merchants to retrieve a list of merchants that are available for the TransactionLink product. These are merchants you can display in your app and allow users to link. You will be notified via the MERCHANT_STATUS_UPDATE webhook when/if this list changes.

Create sessions

Call /session/create, passing type = transaction_link.

Initialize the SDK with a single merchant

When initializing the SDK, pass a specific merchant's Id you received from List Merchants to send users directly to the login flow for that merchant. More information here.

Login to a merchant account

In the development environment, use the following credentials to simulate various scenarios:

New transactionsSimulates successful authentication to the merchant and receipt of 6 new transactions.user_good_transactionspass_good
New and updated transactionsSimulates successful authentication to the merchant and receipt of 6 new transactions and 3 updated transactions. The updated transactions are sent immediately following the new transactions.user_good_transactionspass_good_updates

New transactions

Subscribe to webhooks in the Customer Dashboard.

Merchant account connection

Handle the AUTHENTICATED webhook to be notified of the user's successful authentication to a merchant account.

Sync new transactions

Upon receiving the NEW_TRANSACTIONS_AVAILABLE webhook, make a request to the Sync Transactions endpoint to sync new transactions for a user's specific merchant account. In the development environment, you will receive 6 new transactions, 1 more than the default limit, so you can test cursor-based pagination.

Updated transactions (optional)

Get updated transaction data

Upon receiving the the UPDATED_TRANSACTIONS_AVAILABLE webhook, make a request to /transactions/{:id} for each transaction ID, passing the ID received in the webhook as a path parameter.

Unlink merchant accounts

To unlink a user's specific merchant account should they request it, make a request to Unlink Merchant Account.