Reference for integrating with the KnotAPI Card Switcher iOS SDK


KnotAPI for iOS is an embeddable framework that is bundled and distributed with your application used to create an easy and accessible experience for your customers to update their old saved cards across the web to your new card.

Install iOS SDK

We recommend using CocoaPods to obtain the necessary files and keep them up-to-date. The latest version can be found here.


  1. If you haven’t already, install the latest version of CocoaPods.

  2. If you don’t have an existing Podfile, run the following command to create one:

pod init
  1. Add this line to your Podfile:
pod 'KnotAPI'
  1. Run the following command:
pod install

Swift Package Manager

To integrate KnotAPI using Swift Package Manager, you'll need Swift version 5.3 or later. Follow these steps within your Xcode project:

  1. Go to File, Add Packages.
  2. In the top right corner of the dialog box, you'll see a search bar. Enter the KnotAPI package URL:
  3. From the results, choose the knot-api-ios package.
  4. Decide on your Dependency Rule. We suggest opting for Up to Next Major Version.
  5. Choose the project you want to integrate with KnotAPI, and then click on Add Package.
  6. Pick the KnotAPI package product and click on Add Package.
  7. Confirm that KnotAPI Swift package was added as a package dependency to your project successfully.

Import SDK

To open the Card on File Switcher first you must import the SDK

Import KnotAPI

import KnotAPI
#import "KnotAPI/KnotAPI-Swift.h"

Create a session

Then, create a session and obtain the session ID. We recommend, saving this session ID for future debugging, logging, and connecting.

Card on file switcher

Initialize a session

To initialize a session, you can use the following:

let session = CardOnFileSwitcherSession(sessionId: "SESSION_ID", clientId: "CLIENT_ID", environment: .development)
CardOnFileSwitcherSession * session = [[CardOnFileSwitcherSession alloc] initWithSessionId:@"SessionId" clientId:@"ClientID" environment: EnvironmentSandbox];

Open Card on File Switcher

To open the Card on File Switcher, you can use the following:

session.openCardOnFileSwitcher(entryPoint: "onBoarding")
[session openOnCardFileSwitcherWithMerchants:@[]];

The entry point parameter in the openCardOnFileSwitcher function is designed to provide detailed analytics on user interactions with the card switcher in your app. By specifying where in the SDK the function is invoked, you gain valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. This data is essential for understanding how different sections of your app contribute to the overall user experience.

Create Card on File Switcher view controller and embed it into your UI hierarchy

This is supported since the version 0.5.14

class MyViewController : UIViewController {

  func configureKnot() {
    let controller = session.createCardSwitcherVC()


To ensure seamless integration and avoid any UI issues when embedding the Card on File Switcher view controller into your UI hierarchy, it's crucial to properly position the view controller within the safe area of your application's interface. This practice helps maintain the accessibility and visibility of the controller across different devices and screen sizes, especially considering the presence of notches, status bars, and navigation elements that might obscure the content.

Open with specific merchants

To open the Card on File Switcher with specific merchants, first contact [email protected] to receive the list of merchantIds and names. Pass in the ids or merchant names in the session instance as an array of numbers or strings.

session.setMerchantIds(merchantIds: [44, 16])
[session setMerchantIdsWithMerchantIds:@[@44, @16]];
session.setMerchantNames(merchantNames: ["Netflix"])
[session setMerchantNamesWithMerchantNames:@[@"Amazon"]];



Development is one of the KnotAPI environments on which you can run your code. Development is a test environment in which no real data can be used.


Test Credentials

To test a merchant you can use the login:

username/email: user_good
password: pass_good

Completing the switch

Before showing success in the SDK, Knot expects to receive card details. On the server side, listen for theAUTHENTICATED webhook before sending the card. You can enter your webhook on the dashboard here. Alternatively, in development only, you can mock the endpoint without using a webhook.


Events provide your application real time feedback on the user's journey. These events can be used for in app function, or logging purposes.

To handle events you can create an instance of CardSwitcherConfiguration and set it on the session instance:

class ViewController: UIViewController  {
  let session = CardOnFileSwitcherSession(sessionId: "SESSION_ID")
	let config = CardSwitcherConfiguration()
  session.setConfiguration(configuration: config)
CardOnFileSwitcherSession * session = [[CardOnFileSwitcherSession alloc] initWithSessionId:@"SESSION_ID"];
CardSwitcherConfiguration *config = [[CardSwitcherConfiguration alloc] init];
[session setConfigurationWithConfig:config];

Then you can set closures on the config instance


The closure is called when a user successfully updates payment info on an account. It takes a single argument, containing the Merchant name.

config.setOnSuccess { merchant in
            print("cardSwitcher onSuccess Merchant: \(merchant)")
[config setOnSuccessOnSuccess:^(NSString *merchant) {
         // handle success event


This closure is called when an error occurs during the Account Updater initialization or if an account has an issue updating payment info. It takes two String arguments errorCode and errorMessage.

config.setOnError { error, message in
            print("cardSwitcher Error: \(error), Message: \(message)")
[config setOnErrorOnError:^(NSString * error, NSString * message) {
          // handle error event


This optional closure is called when a user exits the Account updater without successfully updating all selected merchants, or if an unhandled error occurs during the Account updater initialization or an account has an issue updating payment info.

config.setOnExit {
            print("cardSwitcher onExit")
[config setOnExitOnExit:^{
          // handle exit event


This closure is called when certain events in the Account updater flow have occurred, for example, when the user start updating payment info of an account. This enables your application to gain further insight into what is going on as the user goes through the Account Updater flow. It should take a two String arguments eventName and merchantName.

config.setOnEvent(onEvent: { event, merchant in
            print("cardSwitcher Event: \(event), Merchant: \(merchant)")
[config setOnEventOnEvent:^(NSString * event, NSString * message) {
          // handle event
refresh session request

When the session used to initialize the SDK needs to be refreshed.

login started

When the Card on File Switcher starts to login into an account.

login success

When the Card on File Switcher successfully logs into an account.

require otp

When the Card on File Switcher requires the user to enter an OTP.

card error

When the Card on File Switcher encounters an error related the card info when updating the card.


When the Card on File Switcher encounters an error when updating the card.

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